Lawn Care Tips & Tricks

What Are The Crucial Spring Tree Services?
Spring fertilization encourages new growth and overall health. Fertilization can also help plants recover from winter damage. As the weather warms, diseases and insects also emerge and begin infecting trees and shrubs. Apple scab is a foliar disease on apple and crab...
What Does The Early Spring Application Do?
bioLawn's Early Spring Application is focused on crabgrass prevention. Crabgrass is a warm season annual that germinates in the early summer through early fall. Crabgrass will out compete the normal lawn grasses leading to bare areas during other times of the year....
What Are We Seeing This Spring & What Should You Do?
Voles are a rodent. They eat vegetation including grass. You may be noticing tracks in your lawn and large patches of brown this spring. Typically, these areas are fluffed up with loose grass on top. See above image. These areas are not dead but will need some extra...
Caring for Trees and Plants After a Stressful Summer
All living things have been stressed by this summer’s weather. This includes your trees and plants. Because of this, leaves are already dropping and we expect that leaves will fall early this year. What can you do to help your trees prior to winter? Water - In between...
Brown Lawn – What our Research is Saying About Lawn Recovery
With the cooler weather and rainfall, grass that survived the summer stress will have returned green. Any brown grass now is likely dead. There are three options for lawn recovery: Let it recover on its own Sod the area Seed the area Kentucky bluegrass will move...
Are Armyworms A Cause for Concern?
Over the past several weeks, Armyworms have been devastating lawns across the United States. As of late last week, there are reports of Armyworms in the Twin Cities. What are Armyworms? What damage do Armyworms do? How are Armyworms controlled? Armyworms are a moth....
Irrigation Systems And Updates to Consider After the Drought
For those with an irrigation system, there are several things you should evaluate to make sure your system is performing optimally. This fall you should consider the following: Is your irrigation system distributing water uniformly across your lawn? This question...
Brown Lawns: What Do I Do Now?
Some brown lawns will turn green as cooler weather and rains return this fall. For areas showing some stress but with green intermixed, make sure to continue watering them in between rains (as watering restrictions allow). To help these areas recover, continue to mow...
Benefits of Liquid Aeration vs. Mechanical Core Aeration
Mechanical core aeration has been the primary means for aerating lawns for decades, but because of the mess and damage created by it, researchers have been working on alternative methods to deliver similar results. Liquid aeration is now a replacement. Liquid...
Brown Lawns – What do you need to know for the continued harsh weather?
The heat and dry weather in June have turned many lawns (or portions of lawns) brown. With July and August being traditionally hot, brown lawns may persist. What is the brown? The brown is most likely dormant turf or leaf blight. Dormancy is a natural, protective...