As summer gives way to fall, we are starting to see cooler days and nights. At this time of year, key environmental factors align to create the perfect conditions for planting grass seed.

These key factors for successful grass seed establishment include warm soils, adequate water, reduced competition from weeds, and fertility.

In Minnesota, the soils typically become warm enough for seed establishment in mid-May and stay warm enough through the end of September.

However, May and June tend to be rainy months here and too much rain can be bad for establishing seed. Competing weeds are also developing forcing the seedlings to share vital resources.

As summer progresses, the temperatures often rise higher and higher each day and rain can be less frequent. Seedlings can dry out at this point in the year and not recover and thrive. Therefore, mid-summer is also a bad time to seed.

Late summer and early fall is the optimum time for seeding grass in Minnesota because the soils are warm enough for germination, it’s not too hot to cause wilt or disease, the amount of water can be controlled, and there is less competition from germinating weeds.

If your lawn needs some added density or you have some bare spots from a tough summer of growing grass, now is the time to plant more grass seed. Of course, if you would prefer to leave the dirty work to us, just please reach out. We offer seeding services.